On October 21, Hydro participated in the inauguration of the “Usina da Paz,” a project integrated into the Territories for Peace Program (TerPaz), which will benefit residents of the Jurunas and Condor neighborhoods in Belém. There are two more units under construction through the partnership: UsiPaz Terra Firme and Guamá, both in Belém.
The UsiPaz complex will be managed by the state government and provide the surrounding residents with access to over 70 free services, such as medical, dental and psychological care, legal advice, documents emission, leadership training, training, and professional courses. The area consists of 10,000 square meters of land, with 6,500 square meters of development.

“Education, employment and access to culture are the basis for social transformation. Hydro is committed to making the society in which it operates more inclusive and better for everyone. We are committed to fostering sustainable development in Pará, where we have our main operations in Brazil and the vast majority of our employees,” says Anderson Baranov, Senior Vice President of External Relations for Hydro in South America.

This project has generated 394 jobs. The construction of the unit was financed by Hydro and carried out by companies based in Pará. The facilities are adapted with easy access for people with disabilities.
The community center can receive about 1,500 people per day and has two service buildings, a multi-sport complex, sand court, multicultural space, swimming pool, audiovisual rooms and digital inclusion. There are also areas for courses in dance, music, robotics, martial arts, music and a library.
The initiative is being carried out through a cooperation agreement signed with the Government of Pará.
Published: October 27, 2022